Our response to these uncertain times.

A non-profit initiative by Studio Kleio.

Share Your Story
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Why are we doing this?

This project was our response to the uncertain times brought through COVID-19. As we all take our part in staying home and keeping others safe, we looked for ways to remain close with others. We found that we were becoming desensitized to the numbers we would read and hear through traditional media, and asked ourselves how we could change this.

A Proper Farewell aims to pay tribute to the individuals lost to a global pandemic by showing faces over numbers, and provide their families with a way to share their stories


Meaningful Stories

Stories are complex, delicate, and powerful—as such, we've designed a questionnaire to help guide you through this process. Instagram and Facebook are the digital platforms that will be used to share your stories.

Share Your Story

Stories Shared

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David Waizel

Hi my name is David Waizel, I am a design student from Canada. I'm writing this to introduce myself and thank you for taking the time to learn more about A Proper Farewell. I would like to share to you the reason for my initiative to this project.

Since the beginning of January we have been bombarded with statistics and numbers of the ill and the fallen. It has been difficult for me to grasp the severity of the situation as I've grown desensitized to just seeing numbers. My goal for this project is to remind the world that behind every number is an entire life. A life, exactly like yours and mine, filled with aspirations, dreams, memories, relationships and many stories. I want to add weight to the numbers we see every day so that we can not only understand but feel how serious this situation is and who we have lost because of it. This is a tragic moment in history, and as such A Proper Farewell aims to tribute and remember those that are no longer with us by sharing the positive stories, legacies and memories they left behind.

If you have been personally affected by losing someone to COVID-19, I am deeply sorry for your loss of this very special individual. If you would like to share their story, we are here to help make sure the world remembers them for their glory, not as another number.


Nicole W.

A special thank you to those who continue to courageously work and ensure the safety of all of us. As designers, my friends and I hope for A Proper Farewell to become a meaningful space for dialogue and connection.


Carolyn Y.

I want to thank medical workers and all the essential staff that are working tirelessly during these uncertain times. Seeing their incredible efforts inspired me to see where in my creative practice I could help contribute to the cause as a Designer from Vancouver, Canada.

Everyday, I see the number of lives lost rising, yet many still do not believe the severity of the virus. I hope we can give families the opportunity to reflect and share with the world that these were real people, real fathers, real grandmothers, and real lives lost that are worth so much more than a simple digit.

My heart goes out to the families who have lost a loved one. We are here for you. I hope we can help share your loved one's story with the world to provide some solace in these troubling times.



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John Smith, 70

Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.

Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.

Shannon L. Adler


Your legacy is every life you've touched.

Maja Angelou

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